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Renovation Loan

Upgrade your residence with home renovation loans from your desired bank through your trusted channel partner i.e. Money Bells. Renovating your home can be a costly affair, but a home improvement loan can make your dream home a reality. Transform your home into a modern living space for you and your family with the help of our Services. You can use the funds from this loan for not only repairs and renovation to your existing house/flat but also to purchase new furniture, fittings and furnishings, be it sofas or electronics. Home Improvement Loans are affordable, with easy processing and minimal documentation. Take the first step towards transforming your home with our Home Improvement Loan. Apply now to get the best interest rates.

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Frequently Asked Questions

It is a loan for renovating(without altering the structure/carpet area) your home in ways like tiling ,flooring, internal / external plaster and painting etc.

Any person who wishes to carry out renovation in their Apartment/Floor/Row house. Existing home loan customers can also avail a House Renovation Loans.

You can avail a House Renovation Loans for a maximum term of 15 years or till your age of retirement ,whichever is lower.

Interest rates applicable on house renovation loans do not differ from the interest rates of home loans.

 House Renovation Loans can only be used to fund the purchase of immovable furnitures and fixtures

 Yes. You are eligible for tax benefits on the principal components of your house renovation loan under the Income Tax Act, 1961. As the benefits could vary each year, please do check with our Loan Counselor about the tax benefits which you could avail on your loan.

At Money Bells, we take pride in serving a wide range of reputed clients who trust us with their financial needs.
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